Calculating NPQt with the multi-phase flash

Project Guidance

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Dan TerAvest

Sep 2015


Dave and Tom,

I was looking at this trace for the new protocol we are using for Phi2 and NPQt that incorporates the multi-phase flash. The curve looks good (except its possible that the actinic is brighter than the actual light conditions). While the multi-phase flash looks good, and the macro chose the Fm from the multi-phase flash, this results in a negative NPQt, whereas if the macro used the Fm without the Multi-phase flash, then we would have had a positive (though very small) NPQt.

This raises a couple of questions to me. Are the intensities of the Multi-Phase Flash correct? Is the calculation for NPQt correct? Otherwise, is this just a leaf with low NPQt and we can't get a good output because the resolution for this measurement is not fine enough for NPQt's near 0?

Any thoughts?

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    Sep 2015

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