Spectrophotometer or fluorometer?

Technical Support and Questions

How use device how spectrophotometer or fluorometer? There is a module for cuvette that is removed or inserted, if necessary?

  • created

    Jul 2015

  • last reply

    Jul 2015

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Thumb 012409 pbi 160 low low res headshot

Greg Austic

Jul 2015

Yes, there is a 3D printable cuvette holder which you can use. It is a SolidWorks part file, but I need to save a stl file instead. It's currently located here: https://github.com/Photosynq/PhotosynQ-case/tree/master/MultispeQ/MultispeQ%20Attachments/Cuvette%20holder . I'll work on getting the stl file in there.

You can see how it works in the blog here:


Unfortunately at this point it's not easy to move back and forth between 'leaf mode' and 'spec mode' with this attachment because it requires some recalibration when you put it on or take it off. The next version (v1.0) which will be out Spring 2016 will work for a spec and a leaf without modification or recalibration!