Website - adding other data to it

Technical Support and Questions

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Sonya Lawrence

Jun 2015

Hi, Our students this summer are collecting data on plant height or ACS or leaf width or other observations which the multispeQ device cannot collect.

Is there a way for the students to add this data to the site as an uploaded Excel file? If not could might you consider allowing for this?

Also, I assume that when they want to upload their final poster to the Results of the website they just click something and upload the file -- right? Thanks. Sonya

  • created

    Jun 2015

  • last reply

    Jun 2015

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Greg Austic

Jun 2015

We are planning to implement this feature, but we're trying to shore up some structural issues and address bugs first. The idea would be to append the dataset with your external data. Then it would all appear in the data explorer for online analysis. I expect it will be quite widely used.