Date and Time

Cabbage drought stress-recovery

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May 2017

Hey Guys!

My name is Sean Reed, and I am one of the people working on the PhotosynQ project at Michigan State University. I was looking through some of the new projects people are making and came by yours. Noticed you guys had a question project for "date" and wanted to remind you guys that with every MultispeQ measurement, the date and time are automatically taken. So getting rid of this question in future projects could save you guys some time! If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, here to help.

-Sean Reed

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    May 2017

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    May 2017

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Katie Zubeyko

May 2017

Hi Sean, We are having a few problems with photosynq at the moment, we have two prototype MultispeQ devices:

The MultispeQ_203 (30:14:11:27:07:29) Photosynq could be seen by the app but it would not connect.

The MultispeQ_138 (20:14:11:27:31:56) Photosynq connected to the app on the phone in the morning and was taking measurements, as light inside flashed red. Then in the afternoon a message appeared on the app saying to ‘Check for a Firmware update’ but when the update was checked there was none available. After this the app showed a ‘Connection-Time out message’. I have screenshots for both these messages. I think it's the new update of the app which does not support these older devices.

Perhaps these devices are becoming redundant which would be a shame as we have currently 5 users registered with photosynq and at least 6 different projects and have been working with photosynq for a number of years. We were also under the impression the a new model for the photosynq may be being sent to us, perhaps this could be looked into. kind Regards

Katie Zubeyko Brandon Bioscience