MPF Parameters

Measurements, Protocols & Macros

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Craig Whippo

Jun 2017

What are the parameters labeled MPF measuring?

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    Jun 2017

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    Jun 2017

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Dan TerAvest

Jun 2017

MPF stands for multi-phase flash, which we use to increase the accuracy of the Fmprime (maximum fluorescence) measurement, especially under bright conditions when it can be difficult to generate a saturating pulse bright enough to measure maximum fluorescence. Fm prime is used to calculate Phi2, PhiNPQ and PhiNO. The macro then calculates the phi parameters using the MPF and without the MPF (noMPF) and chooses the most appropriate value.

You can ignore all of the MPF values for the purpose of data analysis, and just use the Phi2, PhiNPQ, and PhiNO that are output by the macro.

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Craig Whippo

Jun 2017

Thanks, your explanation makes sense.